How do you develop credibility and support when quality staff are distrustful and holding back? Conventional thinking incorrectly puts the whole burden on you. But if you do your best for the whole company, consistently treat people decently, don’t hog the credit and spread the blame, and you’re not a liar or a looter, then don’t take the blame for lack of buy-in and don’t put out all the energy forever.

To read the rest of this article from the Nashville Business Journal, see: Sometimes you can't 'fix' an unhappy employee

The burden to be great managers and employees is on them.  Do they demonstrate their passion and productivity at your company?

You have three critical decisions in evaluating employees and managers who are holding back.  See original article for details

  • Can the damaged bond between you (the company) and a particular manager or employee be saved?  Promote great participants – productive managers and staff who respond to you and your good efforts - and replace those who don’t participate.
  • What can and cannot be fixed by great leadership style?  Great style can rally people for a while, but no amount of style can fix a structural problem or a person who will hate no matter what.
  • If the bond can be saved and if the problem is not structural, what’s the best style?  Ignore conventional thinking about this month’s management fad.

Many different styles, including yours, can succeed if they fit the circumstances, tasks and needs/personalities of quality staff.

Think strategically.  Face the difficult questions.  Have your managers and staff face the same questions.  I always include staff so they’ll be crystal clear up-front about what’s expected of them, what buy-in or opt-out looks like, and how they’ll be judged.

Orient yourself appropriately, be trustworthy and see who responds. A great employee will do the work of two mediocre ones and give you fewer headaches.  Poor or distrustful employees don’t matter in the long run – you’ll replace them.

Often, individuals need coaching and organizations need consulting to help them design and implement a plan that fits the situation.  To get the help you need, call Ben at 1-877-828-5543.